How to choose herbal drugs? / Option 1 - Primary drug only / Option 2 - Primary drug + Bowel care drug / Option 3 - Primary drug + Bowel care drug + Immunity care drug.

Friday, July 1, 2022



  • Turmeric is an ancient spice which has been used mainly in cooking. It is also used as a medicine in providing relief from pain and inflammation caused due to rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. This is due to the presence of curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Turmeric is Katu (pungent) in smell and Tikta (bitter) in taste. Turmeric helps to balance Kapha due to Rusksh (dry) property.
  • It helps reduce the symptoms of aggravated Vata due to its Ushna (hot) nature. Turmeric also has Varnya (good for skin) property which is beneficial in treating skin problems.
  • Regular use of Turmeric can provide relief from inflammation and other blood-related disorders.
  • Turmeric also helps manage diabetes by lowering blood glucose levels. Its antioxidant property helps reduce diabetes-related complications like ulcers, wounds, and kidney damage.
  • External application of Turmeric powder helps control skin problems like acne due to its antibacterial property.
  • It is advisable to avoid Tumeric during summers as it can cause dysentery and diarrhea. This is due to its hot potency. Although Turmeric is safe in food amount, keep a gap of 1-2 months if you are taking Turmeric as a medicine.

What are the synonyms of Turmeric? Curcuma longa, Varvnini, Rajni, Ranjani, Krimighni, Yoshitipraya, Hattvilasini, Gauri, Aneshta, Harti, Haladi, Haladhi, Halad, Arsina, Arisin, Halada, Manjal, Pasupu, Pampi, Halud, Pitras, Mannal, Pacchamannal, Common Turmeric, Indian Saffron, Urukessuf, Kurkum, Zard chob, Haldi, Haridra, Jal, Haldar, Halade, Kanchni.

What is the source of Turmeric? Plant Based.

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