How to choose herbal drugs? / Option 1 - Primary drug only / Option 2 - Primary drug + Bowel care drug / Option 3 - Primary drug + Bowel care drug + Immunity care drug.

Friday, July 1, 2022



  • Vatsnabh “the king of poisons‟ is a poisonous herb and widely used in therapeutics of Ayurveda and other traditional medicine, after the elimination of toxic components. Vatsnabh is pungent, bitter and astringent in taste.
  • A majorly used part for therapeutic benefit is tuberous root. The therapeutic potency of Vatsnabha is more potent during the winter season.
  • Pharmacological studies shown according to recent studies are anesthetic, antiarthritic, de-obstruent (Shroto-Vishodhana), diaphoretic, diuretic, sedative, a nerve stimulator, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antidote, and cardiac stimulant.
  • These properties help to manage diseases like pyrexia, indigestion, anorexia, spleen disorders, gout, cough, Asthma, vision problems, night blindness, eye infections, inflammation, otitis, headache, sciatica, backache, and joint disorders.

What are the synonyms of Vatsnabh? Aconitum ferox, Monk’s hood, Wolfsbane, Bachnag, Meetha vish, Meetha teliya, Bachnag, Vachnag, Kath vish, Vasnoobhi, Vish, Vichnag.

What is the source of Vatsnabh? Plant Based.

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