How to choose herbal drugs? / Option 1 - Primary drug only / Option 2 - Primary drug + Bowel care drug / Option 3 - Primary drug + Bowel care drug + Immunity care drug.

Monday, September 25, 2023



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Key benefits:

  • Supports Skin wellness & blood purification
  • Promotes Joint pain & swelling reducing response
  • Supports healthy digestion & appetite
  • Supports healthy respiratory functions


  • Curcuma amada [Botanical name], the mango ginger or ambehaldi, is a plant of the ginger family Zingiberaceae and is closely related to turmeric. Mango ginger (Curcuma amada) is a unique spice having morphological resemblance with ginger but imparts a raw mango flavour & they are generally used in making pickles in south India and chutneys in north India. The tubers have an agreeable fragrant smell and aromatic taste.
  • Sometimes Infusion of the roots is employed to give the flavour of mango artificially to confectionery. As per Ayurvedic medical sciences Mango ginger is sweet, bitter in taste, coolant in property, pacifies pitta and is potentially beneficial to control heavy Itching sensation.
  • In Ayurveda it is efficiently used for digestion and removal of intestinal gaseous. Nowadays Mango ginger is found to be helpful for blood purification and maintaining good skin health.
  • Ambehaldi water extract helps to improve appetite, supports healthy digestion and promotes relief from Joint pain & inflammation. The Biological activity of Ambehaldi helps as antioxidant and supports relief from various infections.
  • The major chemical components of Ambehaldi include starch, phenolic acids, volatile oils, curcuminoids and Terpenoids. These all phyto-chemicals in ambehaldi help to support as antioxidant, good for skin wellness & healthy digestive functions.
  • The water extract of Mango ginger root helps to prevent accumulation cough in lungs and promotes relief from bronchitis. Ambehaldi Powder when taken with honey warm water supports relief from cough & cold.

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