How to choose herbal drugs? / Option 1 - Primary drug only / Option 2 - Primary drug + Bowel care drug / Option 3 - Primary drug + Bowel care drug + Immunity care drug.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023



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Key benefits:

  • Supports Urinary Tract Health
  • Promotes cooling of body heat & shrinking of piles
  • Supports detoxification of skin & blood
  • Supports low blood Uric acid levels & proper urinary flow


  • Palash/ Kimsuka/ Bengal kino/ Forest Flame tree [Botanical Name: Butea monosperma] is a deciduous, Sacred tree whose flowers, seeds, bark and gum are used for medicinal purpose. Palash is found in Mountainous districts of India extending in the North West Himalayas, common all over Bengal and southern India and also in Burma.
  • Palash flowers are used to prepare natural colour which is used to celebrate Indian Festival Holi and the tree is worshipped as God of Fire! In tribal areas, women use the flowers to adorn themselves. Palash flowers are believed to have religious value and are used in havan or yagna religious ceremonies.
  • As per Ayurveda Bengal Kino is Bitter, astringent, cooling in action and helps to pacify aggravated Pitta & Kapha. Palash Powder when taken regularly helps to reduce heat in the body, improve urinary bladder functions and detoxify blood.
  • Palash supports blood & skin purification when taken with Cumin water. Palash helps to pacify stomach, pelvis burning sensation & extra thirst. A decoction of Palash Powder with coriander supports removal of uric acids from Urine and storage in the joints.
  • Externally – Palash flower Powder boiled in water & applied as hot poultice helps to reduce joint inflammation & pain.

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