How to choose herbal drugs? / Option 1 - Primary drug only / Option 2 - Primary drug + Bowel care drug / Option 3 - Primary drug + Bowel care drug + Immunity care drug.

Thursday, October 5, 2023



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Key benefits:

  • Supports Digestive & Respiratory System
  • It is helpful to reduce flatulence & spasm of stomach.
  • It is helpful to clear sore throat and reduce cold.
  • External application helps to reduce inflammation & pain in joints.


  • Ginger/ Zingiber Or Suntha [Botanical Name - Zingiber officinale] is a important herb/spice in Indian families largely cultivated in warm, moist regions chiefly in Madras, Cochin & Travancore. The scraped & dried rhizomes of Ginger as well as green ones are used.
  • As per Ayurveda Ginger is pungent in taste, hot in potency and pacifies Vitiated Vata/kapha. Suntha or Ginger is easily digested, absorbed from the intestines and has anti-flatulency, intestinal spasm reducing properties. Ginger helps to clean the toxicity from the tongue, by removing undigested (Aam) food materials and supports the appetite.
  • The Aromatic oil present in the Ginger rhizome helps to prevent bad breadth, improve salivary secretion (sialagogue) and promotes gastro-intestinal tract movements.
  • Ginger is also useful in common cold & cough, where there is immunity suppression & fever sets in. Ginger promotes removal of extra phlegm from bronchus and respiratory tract & helps to reduce symptoms of acute bronchitis/ Sinusitis and headache/ body ache.
  • On long term basis Suntha/Ginger is helpful as hot water infusion drink like herbal tea in evening to relieve symptoms of Rheumatic conditions like joint heaviness, pain and warmness etc. The Ginger herbal tea when consumed regularly supports as anti-oxidants, helps to remove blockages from blood vessels and re-energise lungs to get more Oxygen level.
  • Ginger Powder combines with black pepper Powder (kali miri) & pippali Powder (piper longum) (collectively known as Trikatu Powder ), which act as carminative & increase Bio-availability of the drug given along Trikatu.
  • Externally – ginger Powder is applied over affected painful joint area Or forehead with warm water/ Nilgiri oil (Eucalyptus oil) as local stimulant & rubefacient to have pain killer action.

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